Distinguished Alumni Awards 

Texas A&M University-Kingsville and the Javelina Alumni Association host a special event as part of the annual Homecoming festivities individuals who have exhibited exemplary service not only to this university, also this community.

  • Alumni Awards
    • The Distinguished Alumni Awards are presented to individuals whose personal and professional accomplishments have brought honor and prestige to Javelina Nation. 
    • The Rising Star Award recognizes graduates of the university who have experienced professional success and who are within 15 years of their graduation from Javelina Nation.
  • Faculty Awards
    • The Distinguished Research Award is presented a deserving faculty member who has shown superior scholarship through publication, continued creativity, the research impact on the field, and/or other academic or professional awards. 
    • The Distinguished Teaching Award is presented to a deserving faculty member who has shown excellence, intellectual insights and ability to engage student learning that has life-long impact.
Alumni Hog Calls

Mix, mingle and network with fellow Javelinas near you. Whether you're in Houston, Dallas, Austin or Corpus Christi after graduation, Alumni Hog Calls are designed to keep you connected to Javelina Nation.

To view upcoming events, including Alumni Hog Calls, click here. Email 
Upon graduation and becoming official Javelina Alumni, each graduate will receive a free email (; providing you with a prestigious email address and web email interface. Get yours today by emailing or click here to learn more. 
Javelina Day at the Texas Legislature 
Join fellow Javelinas at the Texas State Capitol for Javelina Day at the Texas Legislature. This is your opportunity to meet with legislators, talk about the value of your education and advocate for continued support of your alma mater. 
Now having the ability to access anywhere, these FREE discounts (perks) are now available at your finger tips. Download the GeoPerks app from your Apple or Android device, connect to GeoPerks using your Foursquare or Facebook, select membership and locate the "Javelina Alumni Association - Texas A&M University-Kingsville". Now, your ready to choose from our alumni or student discounts. That's It! You're ready to rock and roll with your discounts. *Discounts may vary and redeemable upon merchants requests*. 

BYOP (Bring Your Own Pit) or come hang out our alumni tent, where food is free for our Javelina Alumni before every home football game.

To see the complete schedule for our upcoming season, click here, or view tailgating rules and regulations, click here

Homecoming Activities

As the longest-standing tradition on campus, the JAA provides a variety of Javelina Homecoming activities for alumni in order to celebrate--and in my cases reconnect--alumni to the present-day Javelina Nation. Homecoming activities are also designed to create a sense of tradition, pride and connection among the great Javelina community, including alumni, faculty, staff, and students. 

Freshman Orientation 

Each summer, incoming freshman at Javelina Nation are required to attend freshman orientation to get themselves better acquainted with the university. For more on Hoggie Days, click here.

Each year the JAA--with the help of our constituents--award several scholarships to deserving Javelinas continuing their education. Scholarship recipients are nominated and selected by the respective college dean. 
Javelina Ring Ceremony

A fast-growing tradition, the Javelina Ring Ceremony occurs each long semester (Fall & Spring). Students who participate in the ceremony are presented their official class ring in a formal celebration with family and friends encouraged to attend.

To learn the history and tradition of the Javelina Ring, click here.

To order your Javelina Ring TODAY, click here.  

Senior Day 
As one of the newest tradition on campus, each Spring the JAA and FANS host a day dedicated to Javelinas scheduled to graduate in May, August or December of that year. The festivities include music, games, free food and lots of give-aways. 
One of the biggest moments in a student's life is when they finally walk across that stage and graduate from Javelina Nation. The JAA looks to support and celebrate our newest class of Javelina Alumni by being present and available to provide guidance to our graduates as they begin their alumni journey.